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Hey New Students!

We know that you are all excited to find out more about the traditions, culture, and spirit of Jones College. In addition to all of the intangible aspects of Jones that make our college so special, we also know that you have been waiting to find out what your living arrangments will be for the next 1-4 years! Well look no further! We have taken some videos of our college, so feel free to look through them to get some more information on your future home.

All on-campus Jonesians live in either North, South, or Central. Each of the three sections has four floors with common areas on the first and housing on the top three. All floors of North and South are virtually identical, with double and single rooms, communal bathrooms, and lobbies. Central is different from North and South in that it is comprised suites and inhabited by upperclassman. 

You should probably contact your roommates before you arrive so you know what everyone is bringing and how you might want to set up your room. Just don't put holes in the wall or windows—you pay for it dearly. There is a towel rack, mirror, and shelf in the closet, as well as plenty of drawer space in the dresser. Bookshelves, desks, and chairs are provided, and usually this will be enough furniture to hold your stuff. If you would rather not haul a sofa into your room, don't worry because each floor and the first floor of North and South has a well furnished lobby that can accomidate all of your lounging needs.


There is also a kitchen in central for those who want to experiment in their own culinary arts. Most students like to keep a mini-fridge in their rooms, but microwaves are not allowed. However you want to use it, make your room your own; after all, you'll be living there all year.


Do note that you will NOT have room for a full size fridge if you wanted to bring that.

Every room comes with the following:

  • 2 towel racks, 2 mirrors, and shelf space in the closet

  • 2 dressers

  • 2 half bookshelves (waist-height)

  • 2 desks

  • 2 chairs

  • 2 beds (can be set at floor-level, waist-level, or bunked)

  • 2 small trash cans

  • 1 single-stream recycling bin

  • Telephone outlet, coax hookup (TV outlet), Ethernet hookup (though the wireless Internet usually works just fine)

Different Types of Rooms

Standard Double

Freshman Corner Double

Other Places Around Jones

Your friendly Student Maintenance Representative (SMR) will be working hard during O-Week and into the start of the year to fulfill your room arrangement requests. Your shag-pad, party-pad, or lily pad will be just as you want it to be. This year's SMR is Juan Borbon, and he'll be living on 4rth North. Use him, abuse him, make him do night-calls, whatever. He is here to help you, but you might get him to come move your furniture faster if you give him baked goods.

North Lobby

Central Lobby

Most new students will be placed in standard doubles, which are 12' x 16' with two closets and a whole wall of windows.

Nine corner rooms on North and South are known as FCDs. At 13' x 13.5', these are slightly smaller than standard doubles, but the huge closet space makes up for this fact.

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